Social Media has come a long way in recent years. It is by far one of the top-performing channels to help gain traction for your business. How well do you use social media in your brand strategy? Maybe you’re wondering WHY you should even be promoting on social media. Well, we’re here to explain a few reasons why social media marketing is vital to your business’s success.
There are over 3.03 billion active social media users
Social Media gains a new user every 15 seconds
Social media gives you direct access to all of its users
Social media allows you to build a relationship with your followers
The relationships you build with establish trust between you and your customers
It helps you learn more about your target audience
#Hashtags make sharing content easier than ever
There are platforms for all target audiences, no matter their age
76% of Facebook users check it every day
There are 800 million monthly active users on Instagram
There is a total of 330 million+ Twitter accounts
Pinterest has over 200 million active users every month
LinkedIn has over 500 million members
Snapchat has 187 million active users every day
As you can see, there are millions of potential customers/clients waiting for you online! Get out there and explore which channels make sense for your business. Need help figuring out what you should do? Lucky for you, here at TechKnow Solutions, we offer social media consulting and even manage client’s social media accounts daily! Give us a call today at 618.526.1600!
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